I.O.H.I. Links


The IOHI recommends these links:


Folklore Connections:

American Folklore Society (AFS):

American Folklife Center, Library of Congress:

Folklore Connections in America:

Mediterranean Folklore Section of the American Folklore Society: (Giovanna Del Negro, Convener: )

Alan Lomax Archive & Association for Cultural Equity:
(Anna Lomax Wood, Director: )

John D. Calandra Italian American Institute of Queens College (CUNY):
(Joseph Sciorra, Assistant Dir. for Academic and Cultural Programs: )

Folklore/Ethnography in Italy:

Museo Nazionale per le Arti e Tradizioni Popolari (Rome):
(national folk art and ethnographic museum)

Istituto De Martino (Sesto Fiorentino):
(study center on folk and proletarian culture)

Circolo Gianni Bosio (Rome):
(oral history and alternative culture center)

Centro di dialettologia e etnografia (Canton Ticino, Switzerland):

Centro Interdipartimentale di Documentazione Demoantropologica Unical (Calabria):

Accademia nazionale di Santa Cecilia (Rome):
(Music academy and ethnomusicology archive)

Visual Anthropology:
(Italian ethnographic videos)Folklore/Ethnography – International:

Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et Folklore (SIEF):
(European folklore and ethnology society)

Kommission für Volksdichtung (KfV)/International Ballad Commission/Commission Internationale pour l'Étude de la Chanson Populaire (SIEF):
(international traditional song study group)

International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM):

Oral History:

International Oral History Association (IOHA):

Oral History Association (USA):

Oral History Online:

Italian Americana:

American Italian Historical Association:

National Italian American Foundation:

Italian Los Angeles: (coming soon: )

Italian Consulate General of Los Angeles:

Italian Cultural Institute:

Italian Trade Commission:

Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West:

Historic Italian Hall and Museum:

L’Italo-Americano (newspaper)


L’Italia dei cognomi:
(mapblast for Italian surnames in Italy, in the U.S.A.)

The IOHI Archive is listed in the LA as Subject Directory of Archives


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